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A few things worth noting for the first time visitor:

1) Stockholm might seem expensive, and sure, food and drinks are. There is one good #hack here tho, that might be a little boring but good to know: Lunch. Swedes are obsessed with a big meal for lunch, and at most restaurants you can get ~1–5 of their dishes for way cheaper, usually around 8–10 euro, and that often includes coffee and soft drinks. Lunch is usually served between 11–14 on weekdays, so if one wants to save money and still eat decent: skip dinner out and instead go for lunch.

2) The subway is too damn expensive too, so make sure to get a 3 day commute card when arriving (~20 eur) which will save you tons of money even if only going with the bus/subway a few times (since it's around 4 eur / trip otherwise).

3) Some of the boats also are included in the commute card, for example the one that takes u to Djurgården from Slussen (beautiful ride)

4) *Always* RSVP (through attending on Facebook) for an event if it could be considered a party (so openings too) as swedish alcohol laws demand names of everyone attending a private party (even if it is a public one...)